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Premier Call Center for Hazmat Emergency Response Coordination

With over 50 years of experience, CHEMTREC’s world-leading emergency response call center operates on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, providing emergency response information wherever hazardous materials are manufactured, stored, transported, or used. With the right procedures and protocols in place, and by doing what’s right quickly and effectively, CHEMTREC helps protect people, minimize environmental impacts, and preserve the assets and reputations of its customers.

We’re an experienced partner who can help reduce risk and internal burdens so your organization can succeed and grow. We are an emergency response information provider (ERI Provider) that will support you throughout the process of chemical transportation.

Helping companies safely ship hazardous materials is more than just our business — it’s our passion.

Why Register With CHEMTREC


Protect your brand and company reputation


Minimize your financial exposure


Provide critical support for supply chain partners and customers


Continuous improvement of your safety process and protocols


Plan for disaster recovery and business continuity


Mitigate impact on health and environment

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Get access to CHEMTREC's emergency response number and all the benefits of registration.

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Safety Is What We Do

CHEMTREC is more than just a call center. To contribute to the practice of safe handling and transportation of hazardous materials throughout the supply chain, CHEMTREC offers a suite of services including emergency response information, hazardous materials training, consulting solutions, safety data sheet solutions, incident reporting, and battery compliance solutions.

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Who We Serve

Manufacturers, shippers, carriers, distributors, and retailers in a variety of industries, as well as emergency responders, all rely on CHEMTREC before, during, and after an incident. 

Who We Serve_small

Who We Are

Shaking hands with a new hire.

Dedicated Leadership

Our experienced leadership team helps make CHEMTREC the chemical industry’s leading source of hazmat information and support.

The CHEMTREC file library.

Legacy of Safety

With roots going back to 1918, CHEMTREC was created to respond to the growing need for timely information during chemical and hazmat incidents.


Career Opportunities

Help make the world a safer place by joining the CHEMTREC team. Browse our current openings and apply on the portal.


CHEMTREC's Connection to ACC and TRANSCAER

American Chemistry Council

CHEMTREC is a service of the American Chemistry Council (ACC). The ACC represents more than 170 leading chemical companies. Many of these member companies are registered with CHEMTREC for shipping resources and emergency response support.

ACC Logo


CHEMTREC is a proud sponsor of TRANSCAER®. This voluntary USA outreach effort helps communities prepare for, and respond to, hazardous materials incidents.



Frequently Asked Questions About CHEMTREC

Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about registering with CHEMTREC, how to remain compliant, and where to display our phone number.

Registration with CHEMTREC

How do I register for CHEMTREC services?

You can register online. For additional help, email or call 1-800-262-8200.

How do I know if my company is registered with CHEMTREC?

Registration with CHEMTREC gives you the right to use CHEMTREC emergency phone numbers on shipping documents. It is your responsibility to know whether your products or shipments are subject to government regulations. To determine whether your shipment must comply with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulation 49 CFR 172.604, contact the U.S. Department of Transportation's Hazardous Materials Information Center at 1-800-467-4922 (USA) or +1 202-366-4488 (outside the USA) or by email at

How do I know if my company is registered with CHEMTREC?

Contact Customer Service at or 1-800-262-8200 to see if your company is already registered. We frequently receive calls from regulatory inspectors, manufacturers, shippers, carriers, freight forwarders and third-party logistics service providers (3PL), and so on to verify if a company is authorized to use our number. Shippers who display the number without registered authorization can face substantial penalties.

I’m only shipping a small amount of a dangerous good. Do I still need to register with CHEMTREC?

You must be registered with CHEMTREC anytime you display our telephone numbers on your shipping documents, labels, packaging, or other hazcom. To learn if your hazardous materials need an emergency number on your shipping papers, contact the U.S. Department of Transportation INFO-LINE at 1-800-467-4922  (USA) or +1 202-366-4488 (outside the USA).

What is my customer number?

You’ll find your unique CHEMTREC Customer Number (CCN) in the upper right-hand corner of your CHEMTREC invoice. The number will be preceded by the letters “CCN” when used on shipping documents (for example: CCN123456). If you don’t have a copy of your invoice, please have your company’s designated primary contact call or contact Customer Service at or 1-800-262-8200 to obtain your CCN.

Displaying the CHEMTREC Phone Number

Where on my shipping documents do I put the CHEMTREC phone number?

Display your CHEMTREC emergency phone numbers on shipping papers in a prominent location. You must indicate that the numbers are for emergency response information (for example: EMERGENCY CONTACT: CHEMTREC 1-800-XXX-XXXX).

If your shipment is subject to U.S. shipping regulations, your registered company name or your CHEMTREC CCN should be entered, in accordance with 49 CFR 172.604, "on the shipping paper immediately before, after, above, or below the emergency response telephone number in a prominent, readily identifiable, and clearly visible manner that allows the information to be easily and quickly found," unless the company name is entered elsewhere in a prominent manner.

Never display the CHEMTREC Customer Service phone number on shipping papers, SDS, and so on. Only display the CHEMTREC emergency phone numbers.

Where do I get decals with the CHEMTREC numbers on them?

CHEMTREC labels, including vehicle decals, rail car markings, phone decals and lithium battery labels, can be purchased through our approved supplier, Labelmaster

Can I put the CHEMTREC phone number on product packaging?

We discourage shippers from including any CHEMTREC telephone number, email address, website, or any other contact information for CHEMTREC on product packaging unless the product is subject to a regulation.

For those products, the CHEMTREC emergency phone number must be preceded by the following:

"For Hazardous Materials or Dangerous Goods Incidents ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident), call CHEMTREC at [insert the CHEMTREC phone numbers provided to you in your registration confirmation];"

The company's phone number must also be included on the packaging, and it must be clearly stated that all other non-emergency inquiries about the product should be directed to the company.

Please note: Should you choose to include the CHEMTREC emergency phone number on product packaging, any calls placed to the CHEMTREC emergency call center will count toward your incident count for billing purposes.

Defining Key Terms

What is DOT Regulation 49 CFR § 172.604?

Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) Title 49 CFR § 172.604 requires that “a person who offers a hazardous material for transportation must provide an emergency response telephone number, including the area code or international access code, for use in the event of an emergency involving the hazardous material.” The full hazardous material regulation can be found through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) website.

What defines an "incident"?

Any call to CHEMTREC regarding the registrant or its affiliates and their products or shipments.

What qualifies something as a hazardous material?

Hazardous materials for the purpose of transportation are those posing an unreasonable threat to the health, safety and property of the environment. This includes: hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature material, materials identified in 172.101 of the CFR, and Materials meeting the definitions contained in Part 173 of the CFR. For more information please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49.


Do you provide on-site clean-up services?

CHEMTREC does not provide on-site clean-up services at this time.

Explore CHEMTREC services.

I’m shipping from the USA to an international location. Which coverage level do I need?

It depends on the location you are shipping to. CHEMTREC's coverage levels are determined by regional zones. If your shipment's destination is in the same zone as the point of origin, you will need Inside Zone Coverage. If your shipment's destination is not in the same zone as the point of origin, you will need Outside Zone Coverage. Of you ship internationally from the USA and other points of origin into different zones, Global Coverage may be the best option. Contact Sales ( for more information.

Learn more about CHEMTREC coverage levels.

Does CHEMTREC provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS)?

As a part of our emergency response services, we will only distribute a registrant’s SDS or other product-specific information to outside parties when that information is needed by responders, medical professionals, or others during a hazardous materials incident. Other requests for SDS will be referred to the manufacturer.

CHEMTREC recently launched SDS ACCESS, which gives you access to your Safety Data Sheets anytime, anywhere, on your desktop, laptop or mobile phone. SDS Access gives you secure, 24/7 web-based access to your SDS library with full search capabilities. It also includes library set-up, document indexing, ongoing maintenance and customized alerts.

Learn more about safety data sheet solutions.

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