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Crisis and Emergency Management in the Responsible Care® Security Code

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November 28, 2022

The American Chemistry Council, (ACC) updated a critical aspect of its Responsible Care® Security Code this past year. Initially published in June of 2002, the ACC Responsible Care Security Code provides a framework for its members to improve the security and safety of their chemical operations throughout the supply chain. As a mandated requirement for ACC membership, conformance to the Responsible Care program and its management systems (either the Responsible Care Management System (RCMS®) or RC14001®) is evaluated by third-party auditors.

In its recent update to the Security Code, a Management Practice was added to emphasize Crisis Management Planning. CHEMTREC was a key party in developing this practice, using its knowledge and experience in helping clients assess their current assets, identify possible gaps, create, and update plans, and provide training and exercises across organizations. Implementation of the updated Crisis Management Practice is due in 2023 for existing ACC Responsible Care Members.

CHEMTREC is delighted to support this initiative with the release of our Crisis and Emergency Management Guidance for the Chemical Sector. This document, designed by our Crisis Solutions Team, aims to support ACC member and Responsible Care® Partner organizations with their implementation of management practice 7. Our guidance suggests protocols for the effective management and preparation for crisis and emergency situations. The document also offers step by step guidance for those either looking to implement a new crisis and emergency management program, or those looking to review their existing program.

Gareth Black, CHEMTREC’s Senior Crisis Consultant, and one of the document’s authors said “When we developed the document, we were conscious that it needed to work for anyone. Our experience of supporting and guiding companies with their crisis programs, highlights a varying range of knowledge and experience levels for those tasked with implementing such guidance and preparing their organizations. This document aims to address that, by providing an easy-to-follow process which organizations can implement to develop their program and ultimately protect their organization should the worst happen. We’re delighted to launch this and support the performance initiatives of the American Chemistry Council and its Responsible Care program”.

The guidance document can be accessed on our website for free.

To undertake a free self-assessment of your organization’s readiness, please take our health check quiz.

Finally, if you feel you require further guidance and are interested in an assessment by our crisis team, or want to know more about how we can support your organization to prepare for emergency situations, please contact

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Crisis and Emergency Management Guidance

CHEMTREC has published a guidance document that provides an overview of the core components of a crisis and emergency management system and offers suggestions for organizations as they look to implement new protocols or improve existing ones.

Learn More and Download Your Copy

Free Crisis Health Check

This tool offers a self-assessment of your organizations readiness, based on CHEMTREC's crisis management guidance document. The health check is an opportunity to reflect on your current state of readiness, and the results are for you only, they will not be shared with anyone else, so please be open an honest. Once you have completed the health check, one of our team members will be in touch with a copy of your report.

Take Our Health Check Now