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How CHEMTREC is Making Regulatory Reporting Requirements Easier!

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July 6, 2022

We understand everyone is working overtime these days, which is why CHEMTREC is here to help pick up some of the slack. You can trust us to help you meet PHMSA’s incident reporting requirements, so you can tackle other items on that to do list, knowing CHEMTREC has your back! 

What is Incident Reporting? 

Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Parts 171-180) require certain types of hazmat incidents be reported. Section 171.16 requires incidents to be reported through PHMSA within 30 days of the incident, and a follow-up written report within one year of the incident, based on certain circumstances. This reporting uses the Hazardous Materials Incident Report Form DOT F 5800.1 (49 eCFR 171.16). 

What is the 5800.1 Form? 

The Incident Report Form 5800.1 is a written report required by Section 171.16 of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) that must be submitted within 30 days of a hazardous materials transportation incident, as defined by the HMR. The information collected on the report is used by PHMSA and other agencies to mitigate risk, analyze gaps, and enhance safety. 

Who Must Complete the Report?  

Any person in possession of a hazardous material during transportation, including loading, unloading and storage incidental to transportation, must report incidents to the Department of Transportation (DOT) if certain conditions are met. This means that when the conditions apply for completing the report, the entity having physical control of the shipment at the time of the incident is responsible for filling out and filing DOT Form F 5800.1. If you are unsure if you are responsible for completing a report, contact CHEMTREC today for additional guidance.  

How Long Do I Have to Submit the Written Report?  

You must submit your written report within 30 days of discovery of the incident, § 171.16(a). Forms may be submitted via US Mail, Web, or XML submissions. CHEMTREC is registered with PHMSA to submit 5800.1 xml files on your behalf. Which provides a quick and easy way to get your reports accepted by PHMSA.  

How Can CHEMTREC Help? 

CHEMTREC reviews all cases for customers registered for incident reporting, and helps determine if additional reporting may be needed based on Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Parts 171-180). If additional regulatory reporting is required through PHMSA, CHEMTREC will work with you to complete and submit a 5800.1.  

By utilizing CHEMTREC to collect incident data and submit your 5800.1 report we will: 

  • Make sure the report is complete and concise to meet PHMSA reporting requirements 
  • Reduce the amount of data entered manually from paper submissions 
  • Automate the submission and response processes
  • Calendar dates for follow up reports if necessary 
  • Follow through to ensure the data is accepted by PHMSA 
  • Maintain a record of your report for future refence 
  • Provide OnDemand access to your incident reports and 5800.1 reports 
  • Alleviate the effort for carriers that must file incident(s) 

Interested in hearing more about how CHEMTREC can help you, contact our team today! 

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