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CHEMTREC лагатып


Empowering Carriers with Critical Support

Калі здараецца інцыдэнт, службы хуткага рэагавання, вытворцы, грузаадпраўшчыкі і транспартныя кампаніі спадзяюцца на CHEMTREC для аказання важнай сувязі і тэхнічнай дапамогі. Як аператар, CHEMTREC можа дапамагчы вам:


Stay informed of all incidents involving you that have been reported to CHEMTREC


Receive consistent and detailed reports


Maintain a comprehensive incident record for future analysis and audits


Easily meet regulatory reporting requirements (e.g., DOT form 5800.1)


Quickly notify clients of potential shipment delays


Вызначэнне магчымасцяў для падрыхтоўкі вашага персаналу для падтрымкі бесперапыннага ўдасканалення

Carrier Request A Quote

Калі перавозчык выступае ў якасці адпраўшчыка небяспечных матэрыялаў, вам спатрэбіцца штогадовая рэгістрацыя CHEMTREC. Звяжыцеся з намі сёння, каб пераканацца, што вы застрахаваны!

пачаць Цытата

Даведайцеся больш аб тым, што CHEMTREC можа зрабіць для перавозчыкаў

CHEMTREC прапануе важную камунікацыю і тэхнічную дапамогу для перавозчыкаў. Спампуйце нашу інфармацыйную табліцу, каб атрымаць больш падрабязную інфармацыю аб прапановах паслуг аператара.

Загрузіце ліст фактаў

Інфармацыйная сетка Carrier

CHEMTREC’s Carrier Information Network maintains essential carrier contact details, enabling rapid outreach when additional information is needed to help mitigate an incident. Having your information on file helps us to facilitate immediate, accurate responses in emergency situations. The network also extends to 3PLs, freight forwarders, warehouses, and more.

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Павышэнне рэагавання на інцыдэнты

In scenarios where on-scene personnel can only provide the name of the carrier and may not be able to identify the product and/or the name of the shipper, CHEMTREC’s Carrier Information Network can help us connect with carriers to retrieve the information.

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Справаздачу аб здарэнні распаўсюджвання

To help you maintain incident records, for analysis, internal audit purposes, and more easily fulfill regulatory reporting requirements like DOT form 5800.1, CHEMTREC offers Incident Report Distribution for carriers. In addition to distributing relevant incident reports to your company. CHEMTREC will go a step further by reviewing all incidents for customers’ registered for incident reporting, and help decide if additional reporting may be needed based on 49 CFR Parts 171-180. If the incident requires additional reporting to PHMSA, CHEMTREC is here to help. We will work with you to complete the DOT form 5800.1 (49 CFR 171.16) form and bridge the connection between you and PHSMA to submit the report and verify its acceptance.

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Звязаныя паслугі CHEMTREC

Hazmat Навучанне

Our Ground Transportation 49 CFR Training for Carriers course equips your employees with essential knowledge to effectively fulfill their roles as ground transportation carriers, aligning with the U.S. DOT Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, commonly referred to as 49 CFR.

Ground Transportation Training Course 2021

Кансалтынгавыя рашэнні

Incidents can occur in any part of your business. We can help you stop them from turning into crises. By its very nature, a crisis is often complex and unpredictable, making it incredibly difficult for organizations if they don’t have adequate arrangements in place. We partner with you to minimize the impact of an incident affecting your organization or employees by providing tools, training, and plans to increase your readiness.

Кансалтынгавыя рашэнні