Loncat ke daftar isi utama

Peraturan Ringkasan Tes Baterai Lithium

Stay Compliant with Current Lithium Battery Test Summary Regulations

In line with dangerous goods regulations, manufacturers, and distributors of lithium cells and batteries are obligated to make their test summary data available to anyone in their supply chain—this includes devices powered by lithium cells and batteries. While the information isn’t required to be shipped with the batteries, it must be available to anyone in the supply chain who requests it.



Permintaan Penawaran

Tertarik untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut? Dapatkan perkiraan untuk layanan CHEMTREC.

Mulai Penawaran

Login Pelanggan

Akses akun ringkasan tes baterai lithium Anda secara online.


Pergi ke Login

Fitur Utama dan Manfaat



Log in to your company test summary library where you can view, upload, or download relevant documents. Adjust access based on individual customer specifications and security requirements.


Document Sourcing

Delegasikan CHEMTREC ke sumber ringkasan dokumen uji yang belum di perpustakaan Anda.



Create an external link for your company website or intranet that connects directly to your test summary library.


Dukungan Pihak Ketiga

Use CHEMTREC as a third-party provider to respond to test summary requests, ensuring swift and accurate information dissemination.

file-teks Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang CRITERION

Lihat lembar fakta kami untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang layanan ringkasan tes baterai lithium CHEMTREC.

Download the Criterion factsheet.


Tanggap Darurat

No matter where or when an incident occurs, you can rely on CHEMTREC and our hazmat emergency response services. Our Emergency Services Specialists are quick and efficient – we can help reduce your company's liability and exposure, and potentially even save lives.

Tanggap Darurat

Pelatihan Hazmat

The proper training for anyone who handles hazardous materials is not only best practice, but a government requirement. CHEMTREC now offers online hazmat training to give frontline employees the most updated information on proper hazardous materials handling and shipping.

Hazmat Training Image

arsip Permintaan Penawaran

Kami mendukung Anda. Terhubung dengan kami dan dapatkan penawaran untuk layanan CHEMTREC yang dibutuhkan organisasi Anda.

Minta Gambar Penawaran