Ugrás a tartalomra

NRCC vészhelyzeti szolgálat Kínában

Regisztráljon sürgősségi reagálási szolgáltatásokra Kínában történő szállításkor

A kínai szabályozás értelmében kötelező a 24 órás segélyhívó telefonszám feltüntetése a szárazföldi Kínában forgalomba hozott veszélyes termékek biztonsági adatlapjain és címkéin.

A Kínai Állami Munkabiztonsági Hivatal (SAWS) 53-as rendelete előírja az importőröknek és a hazai gyártóknak, hogy vészhelyzeti reagálás céljából regisztrálják a veszélyes termékeket az NRCC-nél, az 5-6. cikk 2. fejezetében és a 22. cikk 4. fejezetében foglaltak szerint.

CHEMTREC can help facilitate companies’ registration for the National Registration Center for Chemicals (NRCC) Emergency Response Telephone Number Service.

A CHEMTREC és az NRCC együttműködése a következőket kínálja:


One Contract

Regisztráció mind az NRCC, mind a CHEMTREC szolgáltatásokra közvetlenül a CHEMTREC-en keresztül.


Átfogó megfelelőség

Segítségnyújtás a veszélyes vegyi anyagok regisztrációjában, az SDS- és címkekészítésben, valamint a GHS-besorolási jelentések elkészítésében.


One Phone Number

Egyetlen 24 órás segélyhívó telefonszám használata, amelyet a CHEMTREC és az NRCC is engedélyezett.


Chinese Compliance

CHEMTREC's Asia inside zone, vagy bármi outside zone service, enables companies to register for the NRCC Emergency Response Telephone Number Service through one simple CHEMTREC contract.

Request a Quote [NRCC]

We’ve got your back when it comes to shipping in China. Connect with us and get an estimate to register for NRCC service with CHEMTREC.

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NRCC Registration Requirements


A regisztrálandó biztonsági adatlapok száma.


Az összes olyan cégnév, amely megjelenik az SDS-en, amely Kínába érkezik és ott terjesztik.


Az Ön SDS kínai verziója.


Index dokumentumok, bizonyos esetekben.

Tudjon meg többet az NRCC-vel való partnerségünkről

A CHEMTREC, a világ vezető veszélyhelyzet-elhárítási szolgáltatója a kínai Nemzeti Vegyianyag-nyilvántartó Központtal (NRCC) együttműködve létrehozza az egységes globális választ a vegyi veszélyhelyzetekre Kínában.

KATT ide

További vegyi reagálású Call Center megoldások

Lefedettségi szintek







A CHEMTREC három szintű lefedettséget kínál a szállítmány kiindulási és célállomásának regionális zónái alapján. Adjon meg néhány részletet a szállítási gyakorlatáról, és mi elvezetjük Önt a CHEMTREC védelem megfelelő szintjéhez.

Lefedettségi szintek

Kapcsolódó CHEMTREC szolgáltatások

Biztonsági adatlapok kezelése

Hozzáférés az átfogó anyagbiztonsági adatlap-kezeléshez kéznél.


Hazmat képzés

A CHEMTREC segíthet abban, hogy cége biztonságban tudjon maradni, és megfeleljen online veszélyhelyzeti képzéseinknek. A saját tempójú, interaktív és átfogó tanfolyamok segítségével minden eddiginél könnyebben naprakész maradhat a szükséges képzésekkel kapcsolatban.

Hazmat képzési kép

Frequently Asked Questions and Confirmation of the Answers from NRCC

CHEMTREC provides a truly global emergency response service that is compliant in China through our partnership with the National Registration Center for Chemicals (NRCC). These frequently asked questions aim to provide international companies managing chemicals in China with an overview of the emergency response requirements on them as companies importing chemicals into China, or companies manufacturing within China.

These questions are aimed specifically at NRCC’s Emergency Response Service and its requirements, nem NRCC’s product registration department and requirements.

What is the official regulatory body managing/regulating emergency response in China and what are the specific emergency response (ER) regulations called?

Following the institutional reform of the State Council (2018), the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) was abolished and its responsibilities transferred to the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM).

The specific regulation requiring companies to register hazardous products with NRCC for Emergency Response purposes is set out by SAWS “Article 5-6, Chapter 2 and Article 22, Chapter 4, Order 53” and this continues to be regulated by MEM.

Am I a local Chinese company or foreign company when I register my products with NRCC’s ER center?

Producers or importers based/registered in China are deemed local. Any foreign company importing products into China are classified as a foreign company

Which of my hazardous products require emergency response phone number registration with NRCC?

Any products registered in the Chinese “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals, 2015 (including highly toxic chemicals)” require registration with NRCC. This catalogue is only available in Chinese.

Also, any hazardous chemicals classified under GHS (Rev. 4; 2011) require registration with NRCC. 

Do my hazardous research and development (R&D) products need to be registered with NRCC for ER purposes? For example, flavor and fragrance R&D products or fuel additives for blending

Yes – R&D products do require registration with NRCC for ER number purposes.

Is there a volume/quantity that requires registration?

No – if the product is hazardous and being sold in China then it requires registration irrespective of the volume.

Do chemicals stored/used inside products/machinery require registration?

No. e.g. fuels and oils inside a vehicle (for the vehicle to run) are hazardous but don’t require

If I manufacture products overseas and another company imports the products into China am I liable for registration of the products or is the importer?

The importer is liable for registration with NRCC. From a legal standpoint the importer should also re-label and re-author the SDS in their name.

However, it’s worth considering whether the costs to register with NRCC mean you mitigate any risks on your company. It also means if you change importer you don’t have to renegotiate the registrations with that importer. 

If a company manufactures a chemical inside China, which is registered with NRCC and then for some reason needs to import that same chemical, do they have to then register the product as an import and pay twice for the same product registration?

No – once a product is registered once by a company they do not have to register it again, even if importing the product.

Do Lithium batteries need to be registered with NRCC and to display the ER number?

Lithium batteries are categorized as dangerous goods in China, not dangerous chemicals. Therefore the regulations stipulate that they do not need to be registered, however if a company would prefer to display the NRCC number an SDS will need to be registered. Alternatively companies can display CHEMTREC’s Chinese or international numbers in section 1.4 of the SDS.

Can CHEMTREC provide wider chemical compliance solutions e.g. chemical product registration, SDS/label authoring, testing etc.

Yes – please complete a request a quote form and we can provide more details on how we can support you. 

Are products which are unclassified under GHS, or not classed as dangerous goods, required to be registered with NRCC for Emergency Response purposes and to display the NRCC ER number?

If a product is classified under GHS, they need to be registered with our NRCC Emergency
Telephone Number Service. However, if a product is unclassified under GHS, companies can
display NRCC’s telephone number in section 1.4 of the SDS provided the SDS is registered
with NRCC or alternatively CHEMTREC’s international telephone number can be used. If
there is uncertainty as to whether the product is unclassified then it is recommended to
register the SDS with NRCC.


CHEMTREC, in conjunction with NRCC, provides this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) overview as a service to its customers and potential customers. This information was compiled as of May 1, 2021 and CHEMTREC believes it to be current and correct as of May 1, 2021. Be aware that regulations often change or are revised over time. Please check the regulatory source to ensure you have the most up-to-date information available. Neither the American Chemistry Council, CHEMTREC nor NRCC warrants or guarantee the accuracy of the information provided herein and accept no liability for any inaccuracies or improper reliance. Each user should independently verify the regulatory requirements of each relevant jurisdiction. This document does not constitute legal advice and each user should retain counsel of its own choosing before relying on any information contained herein.

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