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Albisteak eta Prentsa

Get the latest news related to hazardous materials, shipping, compliance, emergency response and training.


- Albisteak
Over the last three years, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed an update to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). This standard gives workers the right to know and understand what type of hazardous chemicals they handle throughout the workplace. The proposed rule change includes the HCS conforming to a more recent revision of the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This update can impact chemical labels, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and employee training and awareness of said changes. OSHA sent the final HCS rule change to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and it cleared OMB in early April. Be on the lookout for the published rule within the next few weeks.
- Prentsa-oharra
CHEMTREC, material arriskutsuen gertakarietarako larrialdiei erantzuteko informazio hornitzaile nagusiak, harro aurkezten du Segurtasun Datuen Fitxa (SDS) Egile-zerbitzu osoa.
- Albisteak
Oso espero diren arau-aldaketak horizonte daude! OSHAk HCS azken araua bidali zuen Kudeaketa eta Aurrekontu Bulegora (OMB) 1 12ko urriaren 2023an. CHEMTREC hemen dago horrek zer esan nahi duen eta nork eragin dezakeen jakiteko!

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